Excel 2019 – New e-training programmes for your employees


These e-training programmes for Excel 2019 are available in English, French, Dutch, Spanish and German. They include e-training modules, an ENI online book as well as a video for the Migration and new features e-training programme.

Our e-learning modules are based on the MEDIAplus eLearning solution by ENI, a technology that is unique worldwide. It enables the user to learn in real time within the software with an instant result analysis! Request a free trial to test this technology by completing the form below.

EXCEL 2019


Mastering the essentials

To discover Excel’s spreadsheet, master the entry of data and of simple formulae, determine the format and layout of tables and charts. Your employee will learn to manage long tables by filtering and sorting them and will even be able to synthesise data using pivot tables.


From essential to advanced skills

To discover Excel’s spreadsheet and master all its features. From the essential to the advanced commands, this training programme will enable your employee to progress in all themes of the application (entering and formatting data, formulae for simple and advanced calculations, charts, managing long tables, pivot tables, advanced tools…).


Advanced techniques

Your employee masters the essential commands and would like to evolve towards more advanced techniques. This training programme will enable the employee to discover or enhance knowledge of formulae, calculation tools, pivot tables, protection and sharing of workbooks…